Earlier: Amaris took shuriken from armoury, she has three left; her point-blank thrown or melee attacks made during a surprise round with it cannot miss the target.
Amaris, via her Elemental Spy spell, senses the Princess and Daemetrius going upstairs to the second floor. The party – Rathy, Amaris, Walter, Turlough, and Seleana go upstairs. On the balcony, they fight and kill a carnivorous plant. Amaris copied one page of a weird star chart from this balcony. Rathy rolled up the telescope in a map of stars, and Turlough carried it.
They entered the Observatorium and opened the central brightly-lit dodecahedron, found the Blood King’s heart inside, and stabbed it to smithereens. The house started collapsing. Turlough took the large tome of stars, and everyone leapt off the balcony.
Amaris landed safely but her two vials of holy water were smashed. Vampire guests scattered everywhere and the house was fully demolished into a large pile of rubble. Rathy escaped injury by closing himself in the Blood King’s golden coffin; he was soon dug up by his friends.
Seleana and Malique organize the locals to try and clear out the rubble and save anything valuable.